Hiking CA
Sonole 2006 with Erna and Mark
Mono Lake
B contemplating a purchase (Brodie, a ghost town)
Roger and Billie Bengtson accompanied us on a trip to Mammoth Lakes
The view of the White Mountain final peak (over 14,000 ft)
The view towards Mt. Witney from the top of the White Mountain. Alan and Mark Newton hiked up it
At the top of White Mountain (over 14,000 ft)
Bernice on the route (Virginia Lakes)
Bernice on the Virginia Lakes hike (E. Sierras)
A wider view of Morgan Pass
Tony on the Bear Valley hike, looking excited
Downstream from the Devils Postpone
Bernice at Morgan Pass, E. Sierras
Alan at Duck Lake, E. Sierras
Bernice at the end of Bear Valley, north of San Francisco